Tuesday, March 22, 2005

schluss damit

Been back home for the past few days. Fun with funerals. Not one, but two. Deeply depressing events, but then what would one expect?

Ah well.

Had a little bonfire yesterday. Set fire to old journals mentioned earlier. So now they're gone. Was an impulse thing, felt very much like doing it there and then, so did it. A moment's pause and they'd still be here. Seemed somehow appropriate... dunno. Endings, new beginnings... something wanky like that.

The girls had painted their mum's coffin with loads of flowers. Something Van-Gogh-esque about it. Very impressive anyway.

Back up north Thursday.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Things are slipping out of my control.


Trying to replace something I have lost.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Occam's Razor

Gq. Vhuk zs lm szqi. Ttw jebcer K jahw vvdf rhvgmblvd sc tfgctq. Lye ewigv qnq kfrs cw tcfep snax we hjg fmuv oe frarcnf vzshbkstgsf, lyir ces'u mebl xohbx tqt a xaktks nvkne. Tsmem'h hikve rglnc o esgf faj zt zbu vcxe wwgt zkrm, qp ttw nhnzv, ttqm dsedna scwvs ax jekt rbcnyeaj wgwtv ugeyk ko as kvg rudhfsd cw cvjed tcofg fiv vhqjv, fnf nvkeh iw tam ocz jgahw r shuy ch texavf.
Mck acpy bwfpks bbqy anglt hh, ycygvqj. Jo H gffv qf iajh H qfinf caev uo kzhj c uewwuk dlfrqsq.

Seyvop. Vgte ul zs. Vscz hquzv.

Rhythm stick

Taking up kendo.

Which is completely hysterical. Had to got watch a training session last
night before the course proper begins next monday. After some fairly
intense warm-up, the students have to take turns pretending to hit
eachother on their (unprotected) heads. The hit-ee has to lock eye
contact with the hitter despite the fact that the hitter is screaming
"MEN" into their face. What fun.

If I see it through, which I sincerely hope I do as the course is
slightleee expensive what with having to buy swords and bamboo hitting
sticks and jedi robes and things, I am going to be Mr Fit McFit. Lots of
repetetive movements and one armed waving of shinai. Also, painful
looking squat-rise-strike-squat proceedure.

Anyway, it'll be grand.

What else?

Lots of reading. I know now a lot more than I used to about the human
Vomeronasal Organ (or lack thereof) than I used to.

This blog is getting really, really boring.

Jesus. I'm going to have to do some things worth reporting.

My supervisor has asked me if I want to go to Australia.

My job's great.