Monday, November 08, 2004


Have to share something with you.

You know how, every so often, someone says something and in so doing demonstrates a level of stupidity, vacuity and egotism so totally devoid of anything that you had thought was human that you have to slightly reasses your opinions of the species? No? Well, read on:

Blokey I met last night, in the pub :
"I'm going to tell you something now, and a lot of people don't believe me but I swear it's true. I swear it. Ok. Last year ... now I haven't ever played the Lottery. I find it morally and ethically wrong and I've just never been interested, but last year I was suddenly filled with this amazing NEED to play. I mean, it was like burning in my head; play the lottery, play, play. For the whole week, from the Monday right up to the Saturday. And all day on the Saturday it was really strong, something in me was telling me to play."
Here, he paused. Until someone else asked the inescapable question; "well, did you play?"
He continues (grinning): "No, no I didn't. And the draw went ahead and, you know, it was one of those amazing roll over weeks, with millions and millions to win."

So, at this point, I (and I imagine everyone else I'm with is doing likewise) am imagining that the punch line's going to be something like "and I wrote down the numbers I would have chosen and they came up" or "and the numbers were exactly twice my birthday" or something. But no.

"And it was in the papers that week, that the guy who won was this 24 year old guy" (wait for it) "who, like, raped two girls."

Here, he stopped.

Someone else ventured, "riiight... so... what?"

He explained, "And it's almost like, I was meant to play, and because I didn't... the money went to this fucking rapist"

There was a momen'ts silence around the table after that.

As you can probably imagine.