Quo vadis?
In what can only be described as a foul mood today. Shame. Quite fancy one of those days from a few posts ago, it'd be quite nice not be around people just for a little bit. Ah well. I think I'll have a cool bath and that might just perk me up. Have I mentioned it's very hot? Lovely day and all that, but I just don't function well in high temperatures.Humans don't do the vigilance thing. Walking through a park earlier, groups of people gathered around a lake. Fair enough, it's a decent water source and all that. Lakes should be dangerous, though. Big cats and predators need to drink too. Anyway, in big groups of animals, you can normally see one or two of them displaying vigilance. Think merecats standing on their hind legs. Baboons looking off into the distance. Zebras... fish even. Not humans. I suppose, what with being comfortably positioned atop the foodchain, we have few predators to be scared of. Indeed, it is a foolhardy animal that attacks a group of humans. Not surprising that we've lost the vigilance thing... just wondering when that would have happened.
If it has happened. I may investigate further.
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