Friday, September 03, 2004

Nothing of any importance.

Another lovely day, as if the city were trying to convince me to stay. Ah, but it cannot be.

Gotta book plane ticket today, having established that no one really seems to care when I arrive at my destination. Keeps life simple, I suppose.

I really don't have all that long left. A few weeks, really. Quite a lot of sorting to be done in that time. Books to sort and pack and things of that nature.

Had a friend in tears on the phone yesterday. Always interesting. Perked up, ultimately, in the face of my insistant enthusiasm. We lost the pub quiz anyway. Off to lunch tomorrow with 3 lovely ladies. 2 lovely ladies. Can't really remember.

Very much want to collect the new set of memeplexes penguin have released. Small, beautiful volumes of great thought. Excellent.

I have absolutely nothing of any interest to say today. How frustrating.

Actually, there is something burning away at the back of my head, but I'm finding it hard to articulate. Something about choices, about assumptions. Something probably about sex. Being human, most things seem to boil down to sex. Nuts and bolts and all that. At least, I hope so. My entire academic life is founded on a false foundation, if not.

Anyway. There are people who seem to find the idea of (already, I can see where this is going... I don't think I like it) the idea of physicality for physicality's sake alien. Who assume that a night spent together means more than it necassarily does. Not the people concerned; what makes this more peculiar is that these people are not people with whom I have spent a night (although, I have been caught up in that one). Assumption. The coy glance, the knowing smile, "how are things with you and...?", fine thanks. As if, which it could (unarguably), a shared bed necessitates an intertwining of the ways. I do feel an attachment with those I have slept with, and a close one. In itself, it guarantees nothing. Nor does it require fidelity.

Rate the following statement from 1 to 9 where 1 = 'strongly disagree' and 9 = 'strongly agree':
"Sex without love is ok."

That's not even what I'm talking about.

Oh memes, memes ... they use us for their sport.


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