Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Airfoil rocks my world

So, I don't often post about techical things. Not really. I love my mac and all things mac and occaisonally wish I knew more about them than I do. I'm more of a geek-wannabe than a true geek, which is a sad admission.


I have a 15 inch G4 Powerbook. I run Tiger. I have equipped myself with airport extreme and I use airtunes, which is great fun. It has often occured to me that I would very much like to transmit other sounds from my laptop to my airtunes speakers. DVD sound not least, but also online radio and schtuff.

Enter, to triumphant fanfare, Airfoil . Hahaha, I laugh, it does everything I want it to and very, very easily. At a mere £18 ($25) it seems a bargain to me. It will happily play all system sound on remote speakers, so that you can annoy your neighbours with all your beeps and whistles, or will "hijack" sounds from any specific application and play that exclusively. This means it can, if you have multiple remote speakers, play different things in different rooms. Hoorah.

Now, I had a brief panic a moment ago, because playing anything on airtunes involves a delay between transmission and playback, due to encryption or somesuch malarky. This means that when you play a dvd, the sound lags behind the video, by a good 5 seconds. Which is crap and annoying. There are, however, ways to fix this, and patient tinkering with these instructions (and a download of the latest version of VLC ) has made it work like a dream.

Joy joy joy. Lots of sounds.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Ah, you've exposed your nerd side. I love it. Nerds rock!


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