Thursday, September 08, 2005

Prescribe me not my duty,

Oh, the world would be such a less stressful place if people would just remember to keep their sense of a) humour and b) perspective.

Not going to go into detail, but someone I know was very bad last night. Not properly bad in any lasting sense, but certainly very, very naughty. The other party has not found it amusing. At all. Fair enough. I'm friends with both of them, can certainly understand why she's upset, but also understand what he was doing. Which was playing. Not a good thing to be doing, but less problematic than it could have been.

Anyway, so I had a VERY sternly worded email invoking my status as a FRIEND.

1. I don't like being told what I should and shouldn't do.
2. I don't think I need my duties as a chum pointed out.
3. This is, in the end, nothing really to do with me.

So I was cross. I'm less cross now. A bit... off, I guess. Not the subject matter of the email, but the phrasing.

ANYWAY. It'll all be fine.

ENORMOUS spider in my bath this morning. I knew that was a poor start to a day.

Elisabeth passed her viva yesterday. That makes her a doctor now. Very exciting. All went out for a nice dinner and DRINKS. Hoorah.

Also, my poi arrived today. Woo, new hobby for me. Boo, I just tried spinning them in the lab and hit myself in the ear.

Perhaps I could call today off. Got an eye infection too, so I'm in my specs, which I hate. HATE.

Sorry... can we go again?


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